Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero Wiki
Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero Wiki
Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero Wiki
Washio Sumi
Kanji 鷲尾 須美
Romaji Washio Sumi
English Sumi Washio
Age 12
Gender Female
Grade 6th Year Elementary Student
Blood Type AB
Height 151 cm
Favorite Food Udon
Birthday April 8
Status Inactive
Family Unnamed Father
Unnamed Mother
Unnamed Mother (Tougou Family)
First Appearance
Debut Washio Sumi
Voice Actress/Actor
Japanese Voice Mimori Suzuko

Washio Sumi (鷲尾 須美 Washio Sumi?) is one of the main characters of the Washio Sumi is a Hero light novel and anime series. She is a sixth grader in elementary school and a member of the Year 298 Hero Team.

You may be searching for her older counterpart, Tougou Mimori.


Years ago, when Washio was born to the Tougou family as Tougou Mimori, she was scouted by the Taisha for another group of Heroes with Nogi Sonoko and Minowa Gin. Because of her strong aptitude, she was adopted by the influential Washio family and given the name Washio Sumi. The Tougous was compensated with lavish gifts for her services and sacrifices.

Prior to this, Tougou was brought to many important Japanese monuments as a young child, and was taught by her family to be deeply loyal and patriotic towards her country. She hoped to one day be able to serve the Taisha as her family had, and that wish was granted when she was chosen from a Taisha-monitored class by the Divine Tree to become a Hero.


Washio is a small, thin sixth grader with pale skin and choppy black hair that she keeps up in a bun. It pokes up distinctively at the back of her head like a bird's crest. Her eyes are bright green-blue. Sonoko only gives her her ribbon in the penultimate episode of WaSuYu.

Her Hero Form is a neon lavender kimono-like dress (light blue in the light novel) with white and teal accents that hark to her future self's form. Her bodysuit underneath is grey and black, and her hair is tied back with a white chrysanthemum-shaped barette. She also has much more small armor additions. When the Hero System is updated, her Hero Form is the same as her future self's, but without mobility aids, until her first Mankai, which takes her ability to use her legs.

She wields an intricate, appropriately small periwinkle-and-white bow with a glowing cyan string. She may shoot normal arrows from it or a more powerful arrow that requires charging by pulling back the string and holding it. Flower petals surround her bow and glow one by one as she charges it.


Washio is much more socially awkward and more outwardly intense than she is when older. She is firmly dedicated to Japan and the Divine Tree: she has a thriving interest in the military, she practices misogi often, and she leads the class prayer to the Divine Tree every morning. As a result, she's intensely committed to becoming an excellent Hero, and judges Sonoko and Gin for not having enough commitment in comparison: Gin is always late and Sonoko is forgetful. However, she decides to firmly try and become friends with them, if only for the purpose of working well as a team, and is surprised when Sonoko and Gin are eager to welcome her.

As time goes on, Washio learns that her friends have hidden strengths and their own struggles they deal with, and is eventually ashamed she tried to take over and thought she was better than them. The three become determined to protect Japan together. However, this is all abruptly brought to a halt once Gin dies. Washio is grieving and furious that Gin is dead, but chooses to channel her anger into defeating all the Vertexes, rather than blaming the Taisha. She and Sonoko bond further until the final battle, where Washio sacrifices her memories and forgets Gin, Sonoko, and being a Hero entirely.

Washio enjoys dressing Gin up in various silly outfits. When Sonoko suggests Washio wear a European dress, Washio becomes utterly embarassed at herself for enjoying such an 'unpatriotic' outfit. Washio is able to draw a detailed and accurate battleship in chalk from memory; is inspired by Sonoko's own online stories and tries to write a story online about Japan, but is told it's too wordy and dense; and comes up with the successful idea of acting as a patriotic superhero with Sonoko to inspire children to follow Japan's ideals. She also cooks often for her mother and father despite having servants to do it for them, and keeps an eye on their diets, scolding her mother for eating meat for breakfast.


She fights using a bow, which can charge up its arrows to explode on impact and fire arrows which can stick to its target and explode after a delay.

After Gin's death, she's granted her first fairy, Aobozu.

In the upgraded System, Washio possesses the Mankai ability. After expending a great deal of magic, she may wield exceptional power unique to herself for a limited amount of time. Washio's Mankai gives her the same enormous spaceship of Tougou’s, armed with eight cannons.


Aobozu: (青坊主) An egg spirit with a blue flower marking on its side. It grants Washio a large rifle she nicknames "Shirogane".


Nogi Sonoko[]

Washio's best friend and fellow Hero. Though they were in the same class together, the extent of Washio's interactions with her before becoming a Hero were scolding Sonoko about sleeping in class. This all changed once Sonoko, Washio, and Gin were sent to fight Vertexes together. Washio was initially offended once Sonoko was chosen to be the leader over her, but rationalized it as Sonoko being from an influential Taisha family. However, it was shown in battle that Sonoko was a quick thinker and excellent at strategizing, and Washio soon came to respect her. Outside of battle, Sonoko was enthusiastic about becoming Washio's friend and very kind despite Washio's awkwardness. She often invited Washio over to hang out and do silly, ordinary stuff, much to Washio's confusion.

After Gin died, Sonoko and Washio found comfort in each other and resolved to continue. They still hung out often and joked around, and before the final battle, Sonoko gave Washio her ribbon to hold on to. When Washio lost her memories, Sonoko comforted her, told her the three of them were best friends, and protected her by going all out over and over again.

Washio and Sonoko did not meet for a very long time after that.

Sonoko was also the one to give Washio the nickname 'Wasshi', after many other attempts at nicknames which Washio was hesitant to appreciate.

Minowa Gin[]

Washio's best friend and fellow Hero. Washio too did not see Gin very highly; the first we see of her, Gin was late to school and not too unapologetic about it either, to Washio's disapproval. In battle, Gin also was first to charge at the enemy without sense of strategy, and her strength unnerved Washio, especially when Gin drank a whole orb of water larger than her head without breathing. Washio made her disapproval of Gin no secret as Gin continued to be late to appointments, but soon reconsidered her own thoughts once (when spying on Gin with Sonoko) she discovered that Gin had two little brothers she had to take care of at home and was often followed with misfortune she aided others out of, which was why she was always late.

Gin proved herself a reliable powerhouse of a friend and was warm and friendly to Washio despite her awkwardness and seriousness. Gin chose to go into battle alone to protect a helpless Washio and Sonoko, and Gin's death affected Washio deeply, as Washio justified Gin's death by continuing to fight and pushing down her grief.


Washio's sixth-grade teacher and Hero trainer. Aki-sensei assigns Washio as the class leader prior to her becoming a Hero. Afterwards, Aki-sensei diligently trains the three with firm exercises, but is also the one to encourage them to take a break every once in a while and goes on field trips with them. When Gin dies, Aki-sensei is the one to pick them up and listen to their grief, and Aki-sensei closes herself off after Washio forgets.

Forms of Address[]

Person Nickname
Self Watashi (私)
Yuuki Yuuna Yuuna-san (友奈さん)
Tougou Mimori Tougou-san (東郷さん)
Inubouzaki Fuu Fuu-san (風さん)
Inubouzaki Itsuki Itsuki-san (樹さん)
Miyoshi Karin Karin-san (夏凜さん)
Nogi Sonoko (YuYuYu) Sonoko-san (園子さん)
Nogi Sonoko (WaSuYu) Sonocchi (そのっち)
Minowa Gin Gin (銀)
Nogi Wakaba Wakaba-san (若葉さん)
Uesato Hinata Hinata-san (ひなたさん)
Takashima Yuuna Takashima-san (高嶋さん)
Koori Chikage Chikage-san (千景さん)
Doi Tamako Tamako-san (球子さん)
Iyojima Anzu Iyojima-san (伊予島さん)
Shiratori Utano Utano-san (歌野さん)
Fujimori Mito Mito-san (水都さん)
Akihara Sekka Sekka-san (雪花さん)
Kohagura Natsume Natsume-san (棗さん)
Kagajou Suzume Suzume-san (雀ちさん)
Miroku Yumiko Miroku-san (弥勒さん)
Yamabushi Shizuku Shizuku-san (しずくさん)
Kokudo Aya Aya-san (亜那さん)
Akamine Yuuna Akamine-san (赤嶺さん)
Miroku Renge Renge-san (蓮華さん)


  • Washio named her sniper rifle "Shirogane" because its character (銀) is the same as the kanji for Gin/Silver. This was after Gin's death.
  • Washio refuses to use English loanwords.

Flower Motif[]

Washio is associated with a Kikka (菊) / Chrysanthemum, which is said to represent rejuvenation and vitality as well as royalty. Chrysanthemum flowers represent autumn in Japan, contrasting cherry blossoms (Yuuna's flowers), which represent spring.



Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero Character Portal
Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero Yuuki YuunaTougou MimoriInubouzaki FuuInubouzaki ItsukiMiyoshi KarinNogi Sonoko
Washio Sumi is a Hero Washio SumiNogi SonokoMinowa GinAki-sensei
Nogi Wakaba is a Hero Nogi WakabaUesato HinataTakashima YuunaKoori ChikageDoi TamakoIyojima AnzuShiratori UtanoFujimori MitoAki Masuzu
Kusunoki Mebuki is a Hero Kusunoki MebukiKagajou SuzumeMiroku YumikoYamabushi ShizukuKokudo Aya
Bouquet of Brilliance Akihara SekkaKohagura NatsumeAkamine YuunaMiroku RengeKiryuu ShizukaTenma MisakiHokkedou Hime
Hero History Apocrypha Uesato HinataAki MasuzuHanamoto YoshikaKarasuma KumikoFuyou Lilienthal YuunaYuzuki YuunaYokote MatsuriYokote SuzuTakashima Yuuna